FashionBoard - Style Investment

Style investment

FashionBoard Style Investment makes it possible to Gamble with seasonal products.

We use historical data, current in-sale performance, and soft evaluations to determine how and if you should gamble on styles in a new collection.  Style Investment gives you easy-to-understand suggestions, and lets you decide if the style is in.



The style investment flow

Step 1
Internal presentation

Step 2
style ratings

Step 3

Step 4
insale evaluation

Step 5
collection adjustments

Step 6
insale revision

Step 7
gambling assessment

Step 8
Purchase vs. budget

Step 1: Internal presentation

The designers present you with styles in the new collection in an internal presentation. It could be for the designer, buyers, sellers, and stakeholders.

Here, among other things, it is possible to see the collection samples and feel the quality of the fabrics.

Step 2: style ratings

Based on the internal presentation, all styles are judged individually. The assessment can be sent out to whom it may be relevant – you do not need to have participated in the internal presentation to give your assessment.

The assessment is made based on the immediate first impression and is based on the style’s expression, price, and color.

All styles are rated on a scale from 1-10. The rating can give the buyer a sense of the style’s immediate popularity.

Step 3: Insale

The collection is presented to customers and buys selected styles.

Step 4: insale evaluation

All orders placed during the insale are placed in the double ABC. It gives a picture of which products are in great demand and which at the same time provide the greatest earnings.

It also shows the products for which there is less demand that may need to be removed from the collection.

Step 5: Collection adjustments

Based on the insale period the collection is adjusted. Styles with no demand is discharged, and styles that will be included in the final lesson are selected.

Step 6: Insale revision

With the final collection in place, the customers’ orders from insale is reassessed in relation to the final styles in the collection.

Some customers have placed orders for styles that are no longer in the collection and should therefore have the opportunity to place orders for other styles instead.

Step 7: gambling ASSESSMENT

Benefit from sales figures and the history of previous styles by selecting the ones it reminds you of.

Decide whether to follow FashionBoard Style Investment’s suggested gamble based on comparable styles, sales data, ABC rating, and customers’ purchase and supplement history.

Step 8: Purhase vs. budget

The investment overview shows all styles selected for the collection grouped by category.

This makes it easy to see if the planned styles for each category meet the sales targets.

You also get an overview of the entire collection across the categories and get an indication of whether it is realistic to reach the overall sales target with the planned collection.

Other parts of FashionBoard


Demand planning

Demand Planning handles incoming purchase and production orders to central warehouses to ensure a perfect balance between stock levels and availability.

Millers solutions - Millers FashionBoard


Replenishment helps you optimize the stock and sales of your own and your business partners’ stores. The system suggests which products to send where, and only the amount that makes sense. 

Do you want to know more about Fashionboard style investment?

Let’s have a non-committal talk about how you can benefit from FashionBoard Style Investment in the planning process of new collections.